+996 555748811


Development & Implementation of Engineering Projects

We assess and collaborate in several projects with public and private stakeholders and other engineering companies acting as partners.

"Another world is possible, but it requires engineering." - Oscar G. - CEO

In this framework, our projects and areas of action include, in particular:

  • Solar, eolic and hydroelectric energy production.
  • Water and wastewater treatment.
  • Urban and rural solid waste and recycling plants.
  • Digital citizenship and intelligent cities.
  • Domotics and energy efficiency.
  • Rural development and sustainable development.
  • Forestry and fishery.
  • GIS and digital mapping.
  • Road safety.

Internal R & D Projects

When engineering is a way of being in this world.

Our social compromise with Spain and Kyrgyzstan and collaboration between our different branches and partners turned out to be a starter for internal projects in engineering, based on the synergy and joint efforts of our heterogenic team of experts who gave birth to several strategic projects with transversal applications. All of them are guided by the spirit of technical and conceptual innovation present in our corporate policies and philosophy.
